@PROCEEDINGS{hcr2008, title="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", year="2008", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", } @INPROCEEDINGS{for2008, author="St\'ephane Flon and Roger Oyono and Christophe Ritzenthaler", title="Fast addition on non-hyperelliptic genus $3$ curves", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="1-28", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{fl2008, author="David Freeman and Kristin Lauter", title="Computing endomorphism rings of {J}acobian of genus $2$ curves over finite fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="29-66", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{koh2008, author="David Kohel", title="Complex multiplication and canonical lifts", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="67-83", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{ser2008, author="Jean-Pierre Serre", title="Two letters to {J}aap {T}op", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="84-87", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{lr2008, author="Gilles Lachaud and Christophe Ritzenthaler", title="On some questions of {S}erre on abelian threefolds", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="88-115", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{shp2008, author="Igor Shparlinski", title="Pseudorandom Points on Elliptic Curves over Finite Fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="116-134", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{vol2008, author="Felipe Voloch", title="Symmetric Cryptography and Algebraic Curves", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="135-141", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{cl2008, author="Jean-Marc Couveignes and Reynald Lercier", title="Galois Invariant smoothness basis", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="142-167", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{kiv2008, author="Mikko Kiviharju", title="Fuzzy pairings-based {CL-PKC}", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="168-187", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{ac2008, author="Roberto Avanzi and Emanuele Cesena", title="Trace Zero Varieties over Fields of Characteristic $2$ for Cryptographic Applications", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="188-215", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{coh2008, author="Ran Cohen", title="Group Law Algorithms for {J}acobian Varieties of Curves over Finite Fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="216-240", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{fre2008, author="Gerhard Frey", title="Discrete Logarithms, Duality, and Arithmetic in {B}rauer Groups", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="241-272", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{hp2008, author="Emmanuel Hallouin and Marc Perret", title="On generators of the group $\widehat{H}^{-1}({G}al({L}/{K}),{E}_{L})$ in some abelian $p$-extension ${L}/{K}$", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="273-283", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{al2008, author="Yves Aubry and Philippe Langevin", title="On the semiprimitivity of cyclic codes", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="284-293", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{hj2008, author="George Hitching and Trygve Johnsen", title="Decoding of scroll codes", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="294-314", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{bh2008, author="Peter Beelen and Tom H{\relax \o}holdt", title="List decoding using syndromes", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="315-331", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{bal2008, author="St\'ephane Ballet", title="A note on the tensor rank of the multiplication in certain finite fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="332-342", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{cha2008, author="Jean Chaumine", title="Multiplication in small finite fields using elliptic curves", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="343-350", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{bra2008, author="Kristian Brander", title="An optimal unramified tower of function fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="351-365", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{car2008, author="Claude Carlet", title="Partial covering sequences: a method for designing classes of cryptographic functions", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="366-387", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{fr2008, author="Eric F\'erard and Fran{\relax \c c}ois Rodier", title="Non lin\'earit\'e des fonctions bool\'eennes donn\'ees par des traces de plolyn\^omes de degr\'e binaire $3$", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="388-409", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{ll2008, author="Gregor Leander and Philippe Langevin", title="On Exponents with highly divisible {F}ourier Coefficients and Conjectures of {N}iho and {D}obbertin", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="410-418", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{mes2008, author="Sihem Mesnager", title="On the number of resilient Boolean functions", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="419-433", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{lw2008, author="Hui Fai Law and Philip Wong", title="On Quadratic Extensions of Cyclic Projective Planes", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="434-466", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{mal2008, author="Dimitry Malinin", title="Some integral representations of finite groups and their arithmetic applications", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="467-480", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{rol2008, author="Robert Rolland", title="Number of points of non-absolutely irreducible hypersurfaces", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="481-487", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{wil2008, author="Norman Wildberger", title="Neuberg cubics over finite fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="488-504", year="2008", } @INPROCEEDINGS{zel2008, author="Yevhen Zelenyuk", title="Partitions of Vector Spaces over Finite Fields", booktitle="Algebraic geometry and its applications", note="Proceedings of the first SAGA conference, 7-11 May 2007, Papeete", volume="5", publisher="World Scientific", series="Number Theory and Its Applications", editor="James Hirschfeld and Jean Chaumine and Robert Rolland", isbn="13 978-981-279-342-3 ", pages="505-511", year="2008", }